knows what a Gnome looks like? Who knows if they really exist, how they talk,
how they live? Some say they live up to 400 years. If that’s true it probably
is because they live immersed in Nature, laugh, tell stories, sing, play drums,
play gentle games and breathe fresh air while crossing bridges and hiking along
trails lined with flowers. With his whitish beard, twinkling eyes and
empathetic voice, Mr. Rich Humphreys could pass for a very special Gnome.
April to October he can be found at the “Gnomery,”an exceptional nature
enclave, 63 Bridge Path Road, Kirkwood, Pennsylvania, telling stories to
children (or adults), hiking across bridges and stopping to pay homage to
Gnomes who inhabit his enchanted Gnomeland. Humphreys is an artist totally
integrated with his environment.
hope visitors will leave Gnome Countryside loving the forest environment (things around you: trees, plants, birds, animals, water, air, etc.) because we feel if we love something we'll want to take care of it and we will work toward attaining the divine mystery that is in all things found in our natural environment.,” he asserts.
centuries European as well as Native North American cultures have gendered
legends about little people who dwell in the forests and are the caretakers of
the trees, flora, fauna and wilderness life. That is what motivates Gnome
Humphreys to organizing a unique educational experience.
are Gnomes waiting to help at many nicks and crannies and the visitor can
explore gnome building materials, stacking rocks or building Cairns and at
anywhere along the way there may be singing, laughing or storytelling, while back
at the Gnomery visitors are asked to reflect on their experience to take it
back to the “real” world.
for information or reservations:
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